Tipo de institución:
Centro de investigación, Centro de conocimiento PNUMA/REGATTA
Áreas de trabajo:
- Recursos hídricos
- Sensibilización y formación
- Análisis de vulnerabilidad e impacto
- Sensibilización y formación
Trinidad y Tobago
The UWI in St Augustine counts with an Office of Research Development and Knowledge Transfer (ORDKT) that supports all research and knowledge transfer activities. ORDKT links UWI experts to national and international corporations, multinational organizations, governments, NGO ’s and funding agencies.
Part of its service includes: research management and research capacity development activities; planning and implementation of strategies; policy making; seek funding for project management and execution; development and management of key stakeholder relationships for research collaboration.
Recent research funded projects: incorporation of RE and energy efficiency into the academic programmes; Caribbean climate change adaptation and mitigation scenarios; geoinformatics technology for climate change monitoring, mitigation and adaptation strategies; climate change adaptation strategies for water resources and human livelihoods