
Lunes, 26 Enero 2015

Uruguay: segundo en resistencia al cambio climático en América

Uruguay es el segundo país de América del Sur mejor preparado para superar el cambio climático, de acuerdo al último Índice de Adaptación Global (ND-GAIN) que la Universidad de Notre Dame (Indiana, EEUU) elabora cada año. De 175 países estudiados, Uruguay ocupa el lugar 52 en la lista de países menos vulnerables a los desafíos climáticos y el puesto 55 en la lista de países más preparados para enfrentar tales circunstancias.

Lunes, 26 Enero 2015

Fostering a Cleaner and More Sustainable Energy Future in the Caribbean

In follow-up to the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI) in June 2014, the Vice President, Secretary of Energy Moniz, other senior Administration officials, Caribbean Heads of Government, multilateral development banks, and other international partners participated in the Caribbean Energy Security Summit January 26 in Washington, D.C. to work together in support of Caribbean energy security.

Lunes, 26 Enero 2015

First of its Kind Guide Launched to Enable True Valuation of Ecosystems in Some of the World's Smallest and Most Vulnerable Economies

A new manual that will enable policymakers to calculate the true value of ecosystems for a transition to a green economy across the world's 52 small island developing states (SIDS), was launched today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at a ceremony celebrating the end of the International Year of SIDS.

Lunes, 26 Enero 2015

Climate change could impact the poor much more than previously thought

It's widely accepted that climate change will have bigger negative impacts on poorer countries than wealthy ones. However, a new economic modeling study finds that the economic impacts on these poorer countries could be much larger than previous estimates.

Lunes, 26 Enero 2015

Study: Global warming 'doubles risk' of extreme weather

The latest data - based on detailed climate modelling work - suggests extreme La Nina events in the Pacific Ocean will almost double with global warming, from one in 23 years to one in 13 years.

Domingo, 25 Enero 2015

Climate change is not a concern for CEOs? That should keep us all awake

"We are seeing the accelerated impact of climate change," World Bank boss Jim Yong Kim said in a speech on Wednesday. "Last year was the hottest on record. That matters. Extreme weather is real. It's a complete no-brainer to move towards cleaner, more livable cities."

Viernes, 23 Enero 2015

Lessons from Guyana and Norway

Forests are crucially important to climate change. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), "they have the potential to absorb about one-tenth of global carbon emissions projected for the first half of this century into their biomass, soils and products and store them – in principle in perpetuity".

Viernes, 23 Enero 2015

Se lanzó la plataforma para que los países presenten sus contribuciones nacionales

La Secretaría de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) lanzó la web oficial para que los países puedan presentar sus planes de acción climática antes de la COP21 que se llevará a cabo en diciembre de este año en Francia.

Viernes, 23 Enero 2015

Ban Ki-moon: Lack of focus on green investment “troubling”

Speaking at a televised event at the World Economic Forum, Ban said forums like Davos and the G20 had failed to treat sustainable development seriously.

Viernes, 23 Enero 2015

Development goals at stake in new UN disaster risk deal

Resilient infrastructure, better early warning systems and wider access to education are essential to meet future development goals, Margareta Wahlström, head of the UN office for disaster risk reduction (UNISDR), told RTCC.

Jueves, 22 Enero 2015

Climate change: How to recruit the insurance industry for the battle

Unlike Germany-based Munich Re, insurers in the U.S. are only slowly acknowledging their vulnerability to climate change. Insurance companies have a natural — and critical — role in helping us prepare for the inevitable and mounting impacts of climate change, and hopefully in preventing its worst effects. Their financial exposure makes them uniquely credible messengers. Since they set our rates, they also have economic leverage to prompt changes in our behavior.

Jueves, 22 Enero 2015

Helen Clark: ‘Davos must look at how war and climate change affect poverty’

The 2,500 business leaders, academics and policymakers meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week need to look beyond current financial concerns and focus on the effects that war and climate change are having on the fight against poverty, the head of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) has warned.

Jueves, 22 Enero 2015

Head of UN climate talks: ‘the pain in the shoe is not great enough’ for businesses to take action

Christiana Figueres, who heads up the global climate change talks, was visibly moved as she urged business leaders to take action to avoid runaway climate change at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos on Thursday.

Jueves, 22 Enero 2015

U.N. asks countries for climate plans after record warm 2014

The United Nations asked governments on Thursday to submit plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions as the building blocks of a deal due in Paris in December to limit global warming, after scientists said 2014 was the hottest year on record.

Jueves, 22 Enero 2015

República Dominicana - Codocafe y OXFAM Italia firman convenio de colaboración

El Consejo Dominicano del Café (CODOCAFE) y OXFAM Italia firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración con el interés de fortalecer las acciones que se están realizando en el rescate de las plantaciones afectadas por la Roya, con miras al incremento de la productividad y el mejoramiento de la calidad del café dominicano y así obtener un perfil de taza adecuado para los requerimiento del mercado.